Interested in singing with us? Tapestry Singers is a wonderful mix of professional and highly skilled amateur singers. Please contact us to arrange an informal audition for our next semester with concerts on December 14 and 15. We will be able to add new singers based on the balance of the parts. If you are a soprano or alto, it would be to your advantage to recruit a tenor or bass!
The simple process to join includes an informal audition with our Music Director to check voice range and music-reading skills. Our singers have a variety of backgrounds in musical training. We commit to practicing outside the weekly rehearsals to learn our music using the practice tracks that are provided. We work hard at rehearsals, but also have fun in the process. Tapestry Singers’ audiences have come to expect something out of the ordinary, new music to challenge their sensibilities, and familiar tunes that are interestingly arranged.
Here’s what you need to know:
September – December 2024
‘Tis the Season
CONCERTS: Saturday, December 14 at 7PM and Sunday, December 15 at 4PM, both at Damariscotta Baptist Church.
Rehearsals: Mondays 6:30-8:30 at Damariscotta Baptist Church
- FIRST REHEARSAL: Monday, September 9
- Monday, December 9, 6:00 to 9:00PM
- Friday, December 13, 6:00 to 9:00PM
Other requirements:
- Spend time as needed outside of rehearsal to learn your notes well so rehearsals can focus on tone, dynamics and creating a really beautiful blend
- Attendance: 3 or fewer absences unless there are unforeseen circumstances.
- Dues: $40 payable at first rehearsal or right here on the website
If you are interested in joining, click here to arrange an informal AUDITION.
Prepare a song of any genre that shows your voice in its comfort zone. Ability to read music is preferable, but willingness to learn your part outside of rehearsal is a must. Practice tracks will be provided for that.