Ever since Hearts Ever Young dissolved as a non-profit after 10 years of performing, Tapestry Singers director Beth Preston and accompanist Sean Fleming started looking at the idea of getting a regular singing group together. We can’t duplicate the H.E.Y. vibe that “The Carols” created, but we are determined to keep people singing the songs they know and love, so we created Classic Harmony!
Interested in joining us?
Classic Harmony welcomes seniors (that is, 55+) of all abilities, regardless of previous singing or musical experience (and if you’re under 55+ you are most welcome!). The goal is to keep voices energized and healthy while enjoying a positive social atmosphere. We choose from a wide variety of music including pop, gospel, Broadway tunes, folk songs and familiar selections from the Great American Songbook. Dues are just $10 per semester to offset the cost of music/materials.
Please review the schedule information below and sign up to join us!

Classic Harmony is excited to be under the Tapestry Singers non-profit umbrella. This gives us the ability to find sponsors and donors to help offset the costs of our accompanist, music director, and other expenses of the group. If you’d like to make a donation, click here. Thank you!