Tapestry Singers is a Maine nonprofit corporation and a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. One of its stated charter purposes is to foster interest in and understanding of choral music among students in its community. To that end, Tapestry Singers awards an annual cash gift to a local student who demonstrates outstanding musical skills, commitment and potential.
In the spring of 1990, fifteen local singers formed a group to sing madrigals, under the direction of Marilyn McLoon. They called themselves “Tapestry Singers” and adopted tapestry vests as their concert attire. The group’s repertoire expanded to motets and eventually to all forms of choral music, performed several times a year in a number of locations in the Damariscotta-Newcastle area, including the Damariscotta Baptist Church, Second Congregational Church and the Lincoln Theater. Tapestry has been directed by Marilyn McLoon (1990-1994), Kathy Chamberlain (1994-1995), John Thorpe (1996-1997), Beth Preston (1998-2006), and Harold “Sandy” Falconer, M.D. (2007-2014). After Sandy Falconer’s retirement, Beth Preston returned to the podium in the fall of 2014, renewing Tapestry’s close association with Lincoln Academy where she taught music and directed student singing groups until her retirement in 2019.
Artistic Director, Beth Preston
Board of Directors:
Sue McLeod, President
Niall Lessard, President Elect
Randy Cruz, Treasurer
Rosie Benson, Secretary
Skip Simmonds, Director at Large
Jaja Martin, Director at Large
Gordon Clark, Director at Large
Ann Springhorn, President Emeritus